Friday, November 2, 2018

What is an abstraction? -

Abstraction means hide details. Information in Short not in detail.

An abstraction is a way — be it a piece of code like a library, or a language feature — that allows you to think of your code in a more human-friendly way than would be possible without it.

Abstraction is one of the fundamental concepts in OOP. It guides us to layout interfaces and classes for our program. It is basically figuring out essentials. For example, to build a working Student API.

You will want to have name, date of birth, ID, student’s grade and etc. But, you really wouldn't won't something like the number of pets student have or their favourite music because that information is not necessary in this context. So, abstraction guides us to keep what is relevant and discard what is not relevant to the program.

To learn about abstraction in Programming Language at TCCI .

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