Monday, November 12, 2018

List in

The simplest data structure in Python and is used to store a list of values.

Lists are collections of items (strings, integers, or even other lists).

Each item in the list has an assigned index value.

Lists are enclosed in [ ]
Each item in a list is separated by a comma
Unlike strings, lists are mutable, which means they can be changed.


emptyList = [ ]  

list1 = ['one, two, three, four, five']

numlist = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

mixlist = ['yellow', 'red', 'blue', 'green', 'black']

An empty list is created using just square brackets:
list = []

Methods in List:

Method Description
Python List append() Add Single Element to The List
Python List extend() Add Elements of a List to Another List
Python List insert() Inserts Element to The List
Python List remove() Removes Element from the List
Python List index() returns smallest index of element in list
Python List count() returns occurrences of element in a list
Python List pop() Removes Element at Given Index
Python List reverse() Reverses a List
Python List sort() sorts elements of a list
Python List copy() Returns Shallow Copy of a List
Python List clear() Removes all Items from the List
Python any() Checks if any Element of an Iterable is True
Python all() returns true when all elements in iterable is true
Python ascii() Returns String Containing Printable Representation
Python bool() Converts a Value to Boolean
Python enumerate() Returns an Enumerate Object
Python filter() constructs iterator from elements which are true
Python iter() returns iterator for an object
Python list() Function creates list in Python
Python len() Returns Length of an Object
Python max() returns largest element
Python min() returns smallest element
Python map() Applies Function and Returns a List
Python reversed() returns reversed iterator of a sequence
Python slice() creates a slice object specified by range()
Python sorted() returns sorted list from a given iterable
Python sum() Add items of an Iterable
Python zip() Returns an Iterator of Tuples

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