Tuesday, August 2, 2016

C Course For CBSE Students At TCCI Bopal-Ahmedabad

C Course For CBSE Students At TCCI


Computer technology has had a deep impact now in the school education sector.
Thanks to computers, which has changed the way of teaching in also school education.
C, is the most popular language worldwide. Everything from microcontrollers to operating systems is written in C since it’s very flexible and versatile, allowing maximum control with minimal commands.
To start computer carrier from C language is best option.
TCCI-Tririd Computer Coaching Institute offered various computer courses to school students.
TCCI teaches efficiently C language to all school Board GSEB, CBSE, ICSE, IB students in Ahmedabad.
We teach following topics in C Language Course:
1. Introduction to C
2. Basic Syntax
3. Token
4. Data Types and Variables
5. Constants, Literals
6. Storage class
7. Operators
8. Loop Controls
          a. For Loop
          b. While Loop
          c. Do-While Loop
9. Decision Making
10. Arrays
11. String
12. Function
13. Pointer
14. Inheritance
15. Structure
16. Union
17. Type Casting
18. Recursion
19. Files
20. Command Line Argument
Course duration: Daily/4 days/3 Days/2 Days.
Class Mode: Theory with Practical’s.
Lecture Timing: At student’s convenience.
To Learn More C Course In Ahmedabad
Call now 9825618292
Mail to tccicoaching@gmail.com

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