Friday, July 12, 2024

Learn C and C++ after 12th


C is a high level language and structured programming language that was originally developed by Dennis M. Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell Labs. While C++ contains object oriented concepts which has so many advantages as compared to C lang.

C is very popular because of Reliability, Portability, Flexibility, Interactivity, and Modularity. While C++ mostly focus on objects, polymorphism, programming to interfaces and dependency injection.

C is very popular because of Reliability, Portability, Flexibility, Interactivity, and Modularity.

C is a middle level programming language. Main feature of C is we can divide programme into the smaller modules which increases efficiency of programme.

C contains following topics at TCCI:

Introduction to C, Basic Syntax, Token, Data Types and Variables, Constants, Literals, Storage class, Operators, Loop Controls, For Loop, While Loop, Do-While Loop, Decision Making, Arrays, String, Function, Pointer, Structure, Union, Type Casting, Recursion, Files, Command Line Argument.

C++ is a general-purpose programming language.

C++ contains object oriented concepts which has so many advantages. It is designed in terms of System Programming and Embedded system.

You can learn languages, arrays, strings, inheritance, constructors/destructors, exception handling, files, etc. C++ is totally based on ASCII characters. It works well on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS. So you can run your C programs wherever you live.

C++ is a high-level programming language that can be treated as both a low-level language and a high-level language, useful for developing games and desktop applications, and low-level language features useful for writing kernels and drivers.

C++ contains following topics at TCCI:

Introduction to C++, Basic Syntax, Object Oriented Concept, Data Types and Variables, Constants, Literals, Modifiers, Operators, Loop Controls, Decision Making, Class Structure with Object, Function, Arrays, String, Inheritance, Constructor-Destructor, Exception Handling, Files etc…..

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