Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Basics of C++ Language

 What is C++?

C++ is a universal programming language.
C++ includes object-oriented concepts that have numerous advantages. Designed from a systems programming and embedded systems perspective.

Syntax:  Writing a program in a text editor, saving it with the correct extension (.cpp, .c, .cp) and compiling it with a compiler or online IDE makes learning C++ programming easier.

I/O: C++ comes with libraries that provide different ways of doing input and output. In C++, input and output take the form of a sequence of bytes, better known as streams.

Two keywords cin and cout are very commonly used for input capture and output printout respectively. These two are the most basic input and output methods in C++.

Comments:  A well-documented program is a good habit as a programmer. Programing is as easy to read and to debug.
Programs are as less complicated to examine and to debug. In pc programming, remarks are programmer-readable reasons or annotations with inside the supply code of a pc program.

Data Types:  All variables use a data type when declared to constrain the data type they store. So we can say that data type is used to tell the variable what kind of data it can store.

Operators: Operators are the basis of all programming languages. Therefore, the functionality of the C/C++ programming language is incomplete without the use of operators. Operators can be defined as symbols that help perform certain mathematical and logical calculations on their operands.

Loops: Loops in programming are used when a block of statements needs to be executed repeatedly. Example: Suppose you want to print "Hello World" 10 times. This can be done in two ways, iteratively and using loops.

Decision Making: In real life, situations arise where you have to make some decisions and based on those decisions you decide what to do next. A similar situation arises in programming, where decisions have to be made and based on those decisions the next block of code is executed.

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