Tuesday, February 11, 2020

What is a Stack? - tccicomputercoaching.com

The stack is a data structure where the user can add a data object any time.

 A Stack is a data structure which is used to store data in a particular order.

Two operations that can be performed on a Stack are: Push operation :which inserts an element into the stack. Pop operation which removes the last element that was added into the stack.

The stack follows LIFO (Last In First Out) mechanism. It means the object which is added last only can be removed.

TCCI teach various programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python, Database Management, Python, Data Structure HTML,CSS, Java Script, .Net , PHP, System Programming , Compiler Design, Boot Strap, Angular Js etc.

Where is stack useful?

Use the stack for storing data elements, when you need recently added object to be treated/processed first.

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