What is Data Type and Why Data Type Need?
In programming there are different types of data used for example 987, 876.34, xyz, Hello World, %, # etc.As a human being we can differentiate that these all data are different but machine can't differentiate data, so, to differentiate data they have been categorized in different categories which are called data type.
ANSI C provides three types of data types:
1. Primary (Built-in) DataTypes:
void , int, char, double and float.
2. Derived DataTypes:
Array , References, and Pointers.
3. User Defined DataTypes:
Structure , Union, and Enumeration.
1. Following are Primary Data Types in C:
- void - means nothing. void is always used with main function. That mean void function does not return any value.
- int - 0-9 digit (combination) i.e. 99999 , 10 , 0 , 23456
- float - Real Number i.e 78.91
- char -There are 4 sub categories:
o 0-9
o a-z
o A-Z
o other symbols
- Note: character contains only single value
- string - Is collection of character but C language does not allow to declare string as a data type.
data type name;
For example,
int rollno;
float salary;
char code;
2. Following are Derived Data Types in C:
Derived Data type is based on Primary data type.
Arrays - Arrays are sequences of data items having homogeneous values.
References - Function pointers allow referencing functions with a particular signature.
Pointers - These are powerful C features which are used to access the memory address
3. Following are User Defined Data Types in C:
C allows the feature called type definition which allows programmers to define their identifier that would represent an existing data type. There are three such types:
- Structure
- Union
- Enum
To learn more about C Language at TCCI
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