Saturday, March 9, 2019

What are the advantages of JSP over the Servlet?

Servlets are mainly server side programs, written fully in Java.

JSP is primarily an interface built on top of Servlets. Advantage of JSP is that it takes care of the UI part, and minimizes the developer effort to create the screens. JSP is very helpful because it combines HTML with some basic Java coding, and the server side processing logic, can be taken care of by the Servlets.

Advantages of JSP over Servlets

1. Servlets use println statements for printing an HTML document which is usually very difficult to use. JSP has no such tedius task to maintain.
2. JSP needs no compilation, CLASSPATH setting and packaging.
3. In a JSP page visual content and logic are seperated, which is not possible in a servlet.
4. There is automatic deployment of a JSP; recompilation is done automatically when changes are made to JSP pages.
5. Usually with JSP, Java Beans and custom tags web application is simplified.
6. JSP has the custom tags feature, which allows us to create reusable components, making it more flexible, compared to servlets.

To know more in detail about JSP, Servlet, Java Programming, TCCI

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