Friday, December 28, 2018

What is JavaScript and its features?

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is most commonly used as a client side scripting language. This means that Java Script code is written into an HTML page. When a user requests an HTML page with JavaScript in it, the script is sent to the browser and it's up to the browser to do something with it.

Features of JavaScript:

JavaScript plays nicely with other languages and can be used in a huge variety of applications. When used alongside HTML in the browser, it can add some really cool dynamic and interactive ... Unlike PHP or SSI scripts, JavaScript can be inserted into any web page regardless of the file extension.Java script can also be used inside scripts written in other languages such as Perl and PHP.

The speed and small memory footprint of JavaScript in comparison to other languages brings up more and more uses for it — from automating repetitive tasks in programs like Illustrator, up to using it as a server-side language with a standalone parser.

TCCI Tririd Computer Coaching Institute

TCCI Tririd Computer Coaching Institute offers web design course in Bopal and Satellite in Ahmadabad. Web Design Course include HTML, CSS, Java Script, Image Making, Boot strap etc.

You can join full course or learn any one language of the course.

TCCI provide online coaching to any person, any place.

Call us @ 9825618292

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