Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Is java Pure Object Oriented Language?


"PURE OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE” means language which SUPPORTS or HAVE features which treats everything inside program as objects,

For any language to be pure OO everything should exist as objects but in JAVA we have eight primitive data types such as int, byte, char etc which are not objects .

How we can decide any programming Language is Pure Object Oriented or not?

1) It must have full support for Encapsulation and Abstraction
2) It must support Inheritance
3) It must support Polymorphism
4) All predefined types must be Objects
5) All user defined types must be Objects
6) Lastly, all operations performed on objects must be only through methods exposed at the objects.

Now, java supports 1, 2, 3 & 5 but fails to support 4 & 6.

Why java is not Pure Object Oriented Language?

i) Purely object oriented means it should contain only classes and objects. It should not contain primitive data types like int,float,char,etc..Since they are neither classes nor objects.
ii) Pure object oriented language,we should access every thing by message passing . But,Java contains static variables and methods which can be accessed directly without using objects.
iii) Java does not contain multiple inheritance. It means an important feature of object oriented design is lacking .so how can we say it is purely object oriented?

To learn more about Object Oriented Languag, Java , C+ +, Python at TCCI.

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