PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured
Query Language) is Oracle
Corporation's procedural extension for SQL and
the Oracle relational database. PL/SQL is available in Oracle Database
(since version 7), Times Ten in-memory database (since version
11.2.1), and IBM DB2 (since version 9.7). Oracle Corporation
usually extends PL/SQL functionality with each successive release of the Oracle
PL/SQL works analogously to the embedded
procedural languages associated with other relational databases.
The basic unit of a PL/SQL source program is
the block, which groups together related declarations and statements. A PL/SQL
block is defined by the keywords DECLARE, BEGIN, EXCEPTION, and END.
The PL/SQL language is constructed from
letters, digits, symbols, and whitespace.
Every database character set includes these
basic characters:
letters: A through Z and a through z
Decimal digits: 0 through 9
Punctuation characters
characters: space, tab, new line, and carriage return
PL/SQL source text that uses only the basic
characters can be stored and compiled in any database.
Every PL/SQL constant, variable, parameter,
and function return value has a data type that determines its storage
format and its valid values and operations.
The PL/SQL scalar data types are:
The SQL data types
REF CURSOR, explained
in "Cursor Variables"
User-defined subtypes
Unlike SQL, PL/SQL lets you declare
variables, to which the following topics apply:
CHAR and VARCHAR2 Variables
LONG and LONG RAW Variables
ROWID and UROWID Variables
Different Maximum Sizes
The SQL data types listed below have
different maximum sizes in PL/SQL and SQL.
Data Type
Maximum Size in PL/SQL
Maximum Size in SQL
CHARFoot 1
32,767 bytes
2,000 bytes
NCHARFootref 1
32,767 bytes
2,000 bytes
RAWFootref 1
32,767 bytes
2,000 bytes
VARCHAR2Footref 1
32,767 bytes
4,000 bytes
NVARCHAR2Footref 1
32,767 bytes
4,000 bytes
LONGFoot 2
32,760 bytes
2 gigabytes (GB) - 1
LONG RAWFootref 2
32,760 bytes
2 GB
128 terabytes (TB)
(4 GB - 1)
* database_block_size
128 TB
(4 GB - 1) * database_block_size
128 TB
(4 GB - 1)
* database_block_size
Static SQL is a PL/SQL feature that
allows SQL syntax directly in a PL/SQL statement. Static SQL has the same
syntax as SQL, except as noted.
The SELECT INTO statement
retrieves values from one or more database tables (as the
SQL SELECT statement does) and stores them in variables (which the
SQL SELECT statement does not do).
Another (usually short) name for the referenced
column, table, or view.
SQL SELECT statement (not a
PL/SQL SELECT INTO statement).
numeric literal
Literal of a numeric data type.
Name of the schema that contains the table or
view. Default: your schema.
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