Wednesday, August 10, 2022

What is Duck type in Python

Python is a multi-pattern language, object-oriented programming and structured oriented programming language. Python is developed by Guido Van Rossum in February 1991. The only and only purpose of Python is to code readability which allows programmers to express concepts within fewer lines of code.

Duck typing is a concept which is only related to dynamic typing in which the type or the class of an object which is less important as compare to methods while defining. When we use duck typing, we do not check types at all. But we have to check for the presence of a given method or attribute as described.


A term which is commonly relates to dynamically typed programming languages and polymorphism concept. The idea behind using the Duck principle is that the code itself does not care about whether an object is a duck, but instead it does only care about whether it quacks.


The main aim of Duck typing is  to design such a class to know the desired behaviour’s without implementing the protocol, sub classing, interface, or abstract base classes.

Example -1

class FruitJuice: 

         def execute(self): 





class Juice: 

         def code(self, ide): 


         ide  = FruitJuice ()       

         desk = Juice () 







In the above code, we have created a FruitJuice class that has to execute() method. In the Juice-class, we have passed the ide as an argument in the code(). An ide is an object of FruitJuice class. With the help of ide, we called the execute() method of FruitJuice class.

Example -2

class Pigeon: 

   def fly(self): 

         print("I am a Pigeon and I can fly.”) 

 class Eagle: 

     def fly(self): 

         print("I am a Eagle and I can fly.”) 

  class Dog: 

     def walk(self): 

         print("I am a Dog I can walk only but  I can’t fly.”) 

  def bird_flying(birds): 

We pass the three animals and ask each of them to fly. While Pigeon and Eagle can fly, the but Dog cannot fly and therefore throws an error.


fly (Eagle ())


In above example fly(Dog()) will throw an error to overcome that problem Duck type is introduced in Python.

Duck typing is just a perfect example of dynamic typing in Python which arranges related functionality over specific data types as per requirement.

At TCCI Coaching Institute we provide Python development training as per student’s convenience.


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