Wednesday, August 31, 2022

What is the Difference between function overloading and function overriding?


Function Overloading


It is a technique in object-oriented programming when two or more functions have the same name, but different parameters.


When a function name is overloaded with multiple assignments, then it is said to be function overloading.




#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void sum(int x, int y)


                cout << "Addition is…" << (x + y);



void sum(double x, double y)


                cout << endl << " Addition is… " << (x + y);



int main()


                sum(10, 20);

                sum(10.25, 20.35);


                return 0;




Addition is = 30

Addition is = 30.6


Function Overriding

It is a technique when the base class and derived class have same member functions with same return-type, and same arguments list, then it is said to be function overriding.


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


class BaseClass


public : void show()


              cout << "Base Function called" << endl;




class DerivedClass : public BaseClass


public : void show()


              cout << "Derived Function called" << endl;




int main()


              DerivedClass dc;


              return 0;




Derived Function called


Difference between function overloading and function overriding


Function Overloading

Function Overriding

Function Overloading is  a compile-time polymorphism.

Function overriding is a run-time polymorphism.

It helps to increase the readability of the program.

It is generally used to grant the specific implementation of the method which is already provided by its parent class or superclass.

It occurs generally within the class.

It is performed in two classes with inheritance relationships.

Function overloading may or may not require inheritance.

Function overriding always needs inheritance.

In function overloading, function must have the same name and different signatures.

In function overriding, function must have the same name and same signature.

In function overloading, the return type can or cannot be the same, but we just have to change the parameter.

In function overriding, the return type must be the same or co-variant.

The function must have different number of parameters. If both the function have the same number of parameters, then their type must be different.

Both the function must have the same number of parameters with the same type.


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Is C a Procedure Oriented Programming Language?


C is a programming language which developed at AT & T’s Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972. It was designed and written by Dennis Ritchie in the late seventies. C is also one of the oldest and finest programming languages.







int main() {


printf(“Hello I am learning C Program”);


return 0;






Hello I am learning C Program


A procedural-oriented programming language which contains a small bunch of code blocks called procedures to solve any complex problem. These programming languages help debugging because we can easily isolate the error-containing procedure.


Procedural programming language is based on the concept of the Procedure call which is a programming paradigm that makes use of procedures as per program execution (also called routines, subroutines, functions etc.).


Most of the programming languages in the early days were used the concept of Procedural based programming.


It is also known as Imperative Programming because of well-structured computational phases which make use of features like modularity and scoping to increase its readability and decrease its complexity.


Modularity refers to the regular division of a complex code into small pieces. It will reduces the complexity of a program and makes easier to find and edit any part of the code as and when required.


Scoping refers to enclosing the variables, constants, and other statements and functions in a programing module.


Scoping and modularity are closely related with each other as scoping are used to implement modularity.


A program gets divided into small stages for which the variables have a scope and cannot/can be accessed by other functions according to the programmer’s optimal.


Why ‘C’ is a Procedural Oriented Programming


Ø  C languages mostly uses the set of instruction to inform computer what to do step by step.

Ø  Its generally depend in the procedures, more specifically routines or sub routines.

Ø  C language follows the procedures hence it adopt top-to-down approach.

Ø  C languages is very much focused on procedure that relates with the data.

Ø  C languages is much focused on the data hence on functions.

Ø  It is also well known as structured programming language.


TCCI provides best teaching in various programming courses through different learning method/media as per students convince.


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Thursday, August 25, 2022

What is Data Structure?



data structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that is usually chosen for efficient access to data. More precisely, a data structure is a collection of data values, the relationships among them, and the functions or operations that can be applied to the data.


Data Types and Their Relationship With Data Structures

To answer the question of what is data structure, there are three basic data types to understand.

Ø  Abstract.

Abstract data is defined by how it behaves. This type encompasses graphs, queues, stacks, and sets.

Ø  Composite (or Compound).

Composite data comprises combined primitive data types and includes arrays, classes, records, strings, and structs. They may also consist of other composite types.

Ø  Primitive.

Primitive data is classified as basic data and consists of Boolean, characters, integers, pointers, and fixed- and floating-point numbers.

These data types are the building blocks of data structures.

What Are the Classifications of Data Structure?

Ø  Linear and Nonlinear.

Linear structures arrange data in a linear sequence, such as found in an array, list, or queue. In nonlinear structures, the data doesn’t form a sequence but instead connects to two or more information items, like in a tree or graph.

Ø  Static and Dynamic.

As the term implies, static structures consist of fixed, permanent structures and sizes at compile time. The array reserves a set amount of reserve memory set up by the programmer ahead of time. Dynamic structures feature non-fixed memory capacities, shrinking or expanding as required by the program and its execution requirements. Additionally, the location of the associated memory can change.

Ø  Homogenous and Non-Homogenous.

Homogenous data structures consist of the same data element type, like element collections found in an array. In non-homogenous structures, the data don’t have to be the same type, such as structures.

The Different Data Structure Types

So far, we have touched on data types and data structure classifications. Our walk through the many elements of data structures continues with a look at the different types of data structures.

Ø  Array.

Arrays are collections of data items that are of the same type, stored together in adjoining memory locations. Each data item is known as an “element.” Arrays are the most basic, fundamental data structure. Aspiring Data Scientists should master array construction before moving on to other structures such as queues or stacks.

Ø  Graphs.

Graphs are a nonlinear pictorial representation of element sets. Graphs consist of finite node sets, also called vertices, connected by links, alternately called edges. Trees, mentioned below, are a graph variation, except the latter has no rules governing how the nodes connect.

Ø  Hash Tables.

Hash tables, also called hash maps, can be used as either a linear or nonlinear data structure, though they favor the former. This structure is normally built using arrays. Hash tables map keys to values. For example, every book in a library has a unique number assigned to it that facilitates looking up information about the book, like who has checked it out, its current availability, etc. The books in the library are hashed to a unique number.

Ø  Linked List.

Linked lists store item collections in a linear order. Each element in a linked list contains a data item and a link, or reference, to the subsequent item on the same list.

Ø  Stack.

Stacks store collections of items in a linear order and are used when applying the operations. For example, the order could be “first in, first out” (FIFO) or “last in, first out” (LIFO).

Ø  Queue.

Queues store item collections sequentially like stacks, but the operation order must be “first in, first out” only. Queues are linear lists.

Ø  Tree.

Trees store item collections in an abstract hierarchy. They are multilevel data structures that use nodes. The bottom nodes are called “leaf nodes,” while the topmost node is known as the “root node.” Each node has pointers that point to adjacent nodes.

Ø  Trie.

Not to be confused with a Tree, Tries are data structures that store strings like data items and are placed in a visual graph. Tries are also called keyword trees or prefix trees. Whenever you use a search engine and receive autosuggestions, you’re witnessing the trie data structure in action. subsets of another.

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Types of data structure


A data structure is a storage that is used to store and organize data. It is a way of arranging data on a computer so that it can be accessed and updated efficiently.


Ø  Linear and Nonlinear.

Linear structures arrange data in a linear sequence, such as found in an array, list, or queue. In nonlinear structures, the data doesn’t form a sequence but instead connects to two or more information items, like in a tree or graph.

Ø  Static and Dynamic.

As the term implies, static structures consist of fixed, permanent structures and sizes at compile time. The array reserves a set amount of reserve memory set up by the programmer ahead of time. Dynamic structures feature non-fixed memory capacities, shrinking or expanding as required by the program and its execution requirements. Additionally, the location of the associated memory can change.

Ø  Homogenous and Non-Homogenous.

Homogenous data structures consist of the same data element type, like element           collections found in an array. In non-homogenous structures, the data don’t have to be the same type, such as structures.

TCCI provides best teaching in various engineering courses through different learning method/media. These make student to create new technologies, including the development of networking solutions and software programs.


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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Why we need different data types in programming?


In computer science, a data structure is a particular way of collecting and forming data in computer in such away so that we can operate on them efficiently. Every enterprise application uses various types of data structures in one or the other way.


Computer programs are composed of two items: Data and Operations on that Data. Because, at their heart, computers are simple devices, they can only represent very simple pieces of information.

The data types can simply be described as: int, booleans, characters, arrays, structures and so on.


In simple language, we can describe Data Structures are structures programmed to store data, ordered data, so that we can perform different operations easily. It represents the knowledge of data to be organized in memory occupation.


For example if we store data as name “Mira” and Percentage “75.5”, then record data name is string type and percentage is float type. Record stored is student name with percentage. We can also store with Roll-No (Integer).



Integral Types


Ø  Integral data types include all whole numbers, that is numbers they don’t have any fractional component itself.

Floating Point Types

Ø  Floating point types include all types in which a number may have a fractional component, such as 3.14 or pi.


Ø  Most modern computer programming languages store alphabets, characters by representing each one using a small piece of numeric code.

Ø  As we know that number of characters that must be stored is typically a large number, and the number of bits needed to represent each character by character which is unique and small.



Ø  Most modern computer programming languages have means of representing character strings, which is collections of characters such as words or sentences etc. to performed the manipulation operation on different data as per usage.



Ø  Arrays which are collections of data elements all having the same data type, so the execution becomes easy performing some operation on index value.



Ø  Classes are also similar like structures, except that in addition to data, they also contain the functions (methods) which is associated with the data.

Ø  The classes which is a collection of related data that represents an entity also represents  methods to maintain and manipulate that data as per requirement.


TCCI provides best teaching in various programming courses through different learning method/media as student’s convenience.


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IT Courses at TCCI-Ahmedabad


Computer plays an important role in our life and researchers have found lot of positive learning benefits with the use of computers in younger kids, especially when an adult supervisor is involved.


TCCI-Tririd Computer Coaching Institute is focused on providing Quality education with practical sessions.Satisfaction of our student is our priority. We pride ourselves for providing proficient IT Solutions. We have a highly qualificated and expereinced faculties, who, not only handle teaching, but also aspire to provide the best possible solution through their technical expertise.

Computer skill is the knowledge and ability to use computers and technology efficiently. That is considered a very important skill to possess.


Our Vision is to earn high recognition and admiration for our teaching work in the students.


Our mission is to achieve our goal of becoming a distinguished computer coaching institute by applying the innovative ideas and in depth knowledge of our professionals to get the desired result.


We at TCCI provide following training at TCCI as below:


1. Computer Course for Kids

2. Basic Computer Course

3. School Computer Course

4. Web Designing

5. Programming Course

6. Engineering Course

7. SEO/Wordpress

8. Project Training

Programming course include basic fundamental of Coding. This will help them to grasp future technology skill.


The practical side of computing can be seen everywhere. Nowadays, practically everyone is a computer user, and many people are even computer programmers. Courses of Computer/IT engineering makes students to more knowledgeable and expert in use of new technologies.


Now-a-Days social media marketing is compulsory, for that your website design should be very attractive to get traffic. It only possible when you have good web design skill.


Our team at TRIRID consists of experienced and highly qualified professionals. We offer programs that prepare you to excel in these challenging, dynamic professions.


TCCI provides best teaching in various engineering courses through different learning method/media. These make student to create new technologies, including the development of networking solutions and software programs.


Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days


Class Mode: Theory With Practical


Learn Training: At student’s Convenience


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