Thursday, April 11, 2019

What is Difference Between Java and Java Script?

There are so many differences between Java and Java Script.

-Java is pure object oriented programming language everything you do is under a class. Java script is a client side programming language. You don't need anything except a browser for running a script.

-Java is a server side language. JavaScript now can be used on both client as well as server side.

-Both are object-oriented. The difference is Java is class based object-oriented and JavaScript is prototype based. In easier terms, Java follows class based inheritance and JavaScript follows prototype inheritance.

-Object properties cannot be modified (Add/delete) on run-time in JavaScript but not in Java.

- JavaScript is an interpreted language, i.e., the browser reads the JavaScript code line-by-line and executes it. Java is a compiled language, i.e., the Java code is converted into something called byte code, which is executed on a virtual machine.

- JavaScript uses dynamic type checking, i.e., it checks the type of variables while executing the JavaScript code.

while Java uses static type checking, i.e., the type of variables are verified at compile time.

-JavaScript doesn’t support multi-threading but Java is multi-threaded.

- Java script is a client side programming language. You don't need anything except a browser for running a script. On the other hand, To compile java based programs you need JDK+JRE set up in your computer.

TCCI Coaching Institute teaches both Java and Java Script Languages to the students.

We teach all Programming Languages and Web Design Languages.

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