Friday, April 15, 2016

Learn Phases of Analysis-Compiler Design course at TCCI, Ahmedabad

Learn Phases of Analysis-Compiler Design course at TCCI, Ahmedabad
Definition of Complier
“A compiler translates a program written in a high-level programming language into the low-level machine language that is machine can understand.”
Generally, the source language is a high level language and the target language is a low level language (machine code). So, there is always need to convert source code into machine code.
Main two parts there are in compilation:
Understand the program (check is it correct or not)
Rewrite the program in the target language.
To make perfect structure the whole compilation process is split into several phases with well-defined interfaces. All of these phases operate in sequence each phase (except the first) taking the output from the previous phase as its input.
The first three phases are called the frontend of the compiler and the last three phases are collectively called the backendof the compiler.
This is the initial part: The Data is entered as an INPUT, then read by compiler and divided into tokens, each of which corresponds to a symbol in the programming language, e.g., a variable name, keyword or number.
This phase is also called scanner because it takes data as input.
Syntax analysis:
This phase takes the list of tokens produced by the lexical analysis and arranges these in a tree-structure (called the syntax tree) that reflects the structure of the program. This phase is often called parsing. Parsing is to check that we have a valid sequence of tokens. Tokens are valid sequence of symbols, keywords, identifiers etc.
Type checking:
This phase analyses the syntax tree to determine if the program violates certain consistency requirements, e.g., Used variable is declared or not, data type are matched or not. Type checker verifies that the type of a construct (constant, variable, array, list, and object) matches what is expected in its usage context.
Intermediate code generation:
The program is translated to a simple machine independent intermediate language.
Register allocation:
The symbolic variable names used in the intermediate code are translated to numbers, each of which corresponds to a register in the target machine code
Machine code generation:
The intermediate language is translated to assembly language for a specific machine architecture.
Assembly and linking:
The assembly-language code is translated into binary representation.
Each phase use an output form of the program produced by an earlier phase as an input.
Subsequent phases operate on lower-level code representations.
To learn Compiler-Design at TCCI, Bopal-Ahmedabad
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Call us @ 98256 18292.

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