Friday, March 11, 2016

Basic Of C Programming At TCCI, Ahmedabad

This tutorial is designed to introduce basics of C to any new learner.
C is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming.
We can categorises programming languages in two, one is higher level and lower level. Computer can understand only lower level machine language, which is difficult for user to write programme in that language. In which we write our programs, is higher level (generally English), Computer can’t understand that language. So, first of all that language should be converted into lower level language (machine language). Which our computer can understand.
So, we write programmes, in which language is called, source code also. It has been converted to machine code by compiler. This process is called compilation. During compilation source code has been checked for any syntax error or logical error. If there is no error, then programme run successfully. After then processor do calculation or whatever our specific task, which we want as desired result.  
There is always pre-processor directory as a first statement in c programme. One is “stdio.h”.  It stands for standard input output header file. Which includes standard Input and Output functions (scanf and printf) in c library. When programme compiles, these functions are fetched in programme from c library. Second is “conio.h”, It stands for Console Input Output. This directory includes “clrscr()” and “getch()” function. Every C program must have one special function main (). Main has no return data type. So, always use void as data type. If you want, you can use in main() also. But then in programmed you have to include “return 0;” as last statement. This is starting point of c programmed. Always main function has pair of braces {}. First {-opening brace call compiler starting of programme execution. Second}-closing brace call compiler ending of programmed execution. Whatever our task/operation/function is written between these opening {and} closing braces. Then each expression statement inside function must end with a semicolon. Here, one statement is written as a source code, printf statement. Its function is to display to the computer screen as an output to user.
Here is simple example of C program.
Void main ()
            printf(“Wel come to TCCI-Tririd computer coaching Institute.”);

Wel come to TCCI-Tririd computer coaching Institute.
This programme just display what we have written in printf statement.
To learn more contact C language at TCCI.

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