Friday, September 29, 2023

Introduction to Data Structures

In computer science, a data structure is a particular way of collecting and forming data in computer in such away so that we can operate on them efficiently. Every enterprise application uses various types of data structures in one or the other way.

In simple language, Data Structures are structures programmed to store ordered data, so that various operations can be performed on it easily. It represents the knowledge of data to be organized in memory.

For example if we store data as name “Mira” and Percentage “75.5”, then record data name is string type and percentage is float type. Record stored is student name with percentage. We can also store with Roll-No (Integer).

There are various types of data structures, generally built upon simpler primitive data types.

Arrays, Stack, Queue, Link List, Tree, Graph etc…..

Data Structure Language contains following topics at TCCI:

Introduction, Algorithms, Time and Space Complexity, Array, Stack, Queue, Link List, Tree, Graph etc……

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience

TCCI computer classes provide the best training in Data Structure through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

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Introduction to Data Base Management System

Data Base Management System is software which allows to store and manipulate various operation on database. The DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data. DBMS is actually a tool used to perform any kind of operation on data in database.

Database management system has 4 components Users, Database application, DBMS and Database.

DBMS facilitates fast data access, minimal duplication, easy retrieval of data etc….

DBMS contains following topics at TCCI:

Part-I: Database

Introduction to DBMS, Requirements of Database, Disadvantages of File, Architecture, Data Models, Data schemas, Data independence, ER Diagram, Cod’s Rules, RDBMS concepts, Keys, Normalizations

Part-II: SQL

SQL introduction, DDL command, DML command, DCL command, Advanced SQL, SQL Constraints, SQL Function

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience

TCCI computer classes provide the best training in Data Base Management System through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

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Call us @ +91 9825618292

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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Introduction to C++ Language

C++ is a general-purpose programming language.

C++ contains object oriented concepts which has so many advantages. It is designed in terms of System Programming and Embedded system.

In 1983, “C with Classes” was renamed to “C++”, adding new features that included virtual functions, function name and operator overloading, references, constants, type-safe free-store memory allocation (new/delete), improved type checking, So, We can say that c++ is an extension of C language.

C++ contains following topics at TCCI:

Introduction to C++, Basic Syntax, Object Oriented Concept, Data Types and Variables, Constants, Literals, Modifiers, Operators, Loop Controls, Decision Making, Class Structure with Object, Function, Arrays, String, Inheritance, Constructor-Destructor, Exception Handling, Files etc…..

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience

TCCI computer classes provide the best training in C++ programming language through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

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Introduction to C Language

C is a high level language and structured programming language that was originally developed by Dennis M. Ritchie to develop the UNIX operating system at Bell Labs.

C programming language features were derived from an earlier language called “B” (Basic Combined Programming Language – BCPL).

C is very popular because of Reliability, Portability, Flexibility, Interactivity, and Modularity.

C is a middle level programming language.

Main feature of C is we can divide programme into the smaller modules which increases efficiency of programme.

C contains following topics at TCCI:

Introduction to C, Basic Syntax, Token, Data Types and Variables, Constants, Literals, Storage class, Operators, Loop Controls, For Loop, While Loop, Do-While Loop, Decision Making, Arrays, String, Function, Pointer, Structure, Union, Type Casting, Recursion, Files, Command Line Argument.

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience

TCCI computer classes provide the best training in C programming language through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

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Call us @ +91 9825618292

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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Introduction To Python Programming

 As we know, you can start learning Python easily thanks to its flexibility. The syntax is so easy to read and understand that you can understand most of it without any programming knowledge.

Python is one of the most popular programming languages ​​today and is a basic step into the world of programming and frameworks. Python programming is very easy to learn so it doesn't require much effort.


In Python, numeric data types are used to represent data using numeric values. When declaring data types in Python, numbers can be integers, floating point numbers, and even complex numbers.


In Python, the string data type is a Unicode character string. A string is typically a collection of one, two, or more characters surrounded by double quotes, double quotes, or quotation marks, depending on the list data type.


Object-oriented programming and structured programming. Python is one of the most popular programming languages ​​from an industry perspective today. In Python, the tuple data type is defined as an ordered collection of Python objects.


The main difference between tuples and lists is that tuples cannot be changed. H. A dataset cannot be modified after creation. It is represented by the Tuple class. In Python, parentheses () can be used to represent tuples.


Python programming is currently in high demand among those interested in this field and wants to pursue a career. If you learn Python programming, other career paths will open up, such as Python programmer, Python developer, and Python web developer.


TCCI computer classes provide the best training in Python programming through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience


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Call us @ +91 9825618292

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Introduction To Object Oriented Programming

A programmer can use object-oriented programming software on his own and easily update his OOP package of existing software.

OOP therefore makes software development more modular, reusable and maintainable, and makes systems easier to upgrade and update.

Encapsulation: Data and methods that interact with that data are bundled into a single entity. This allows you to control access to the data within each object.

Abstraction: When creating objects, programmers reduce complexity by showing only the essential information and “hiding” everything else, including the implementation mechanisms.

Inheritance: A programmer can derive a new object using all or some of the properties of an existing object. For example, a child class inherits properties and behaviours from its parent class.

Polymorphism: This allows you to use child and parent classes in exactly the same way while preserving the unique attributes of each class.

TCCI computer classes provide the best training in Object Oriented programming through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience


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Call us @ +91 9825618292

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Importance of Array in Java Programming

Array is the most important part of the software development process. Programming languages ​​use arrays to store various variables.

Java is a cross-platform framework used to create applications that run on smartphones and other small screen devices.

According to a survey, Java is the second most used language for developing mobile applications. Mobile apps created with Java include some of the popular ones like Netflix, Twitter, Spotify and many more.


So if you want to store multiple data values ​​at once, you can also use arrays. This variable is a kind of storage location for storing data. However, variables can only store one data value at a time.


An array is a type of data structure for storing multiple data values ​​of similar data types at the same time. Array data values ​​are allocated to contiguous memory locations. These locations are called the data elements of this array. The total number of elements present in an array is called the length of the array.


Arrays are the best option for storing multiple values ​​in a single variable. Arrays are always better for handling many values ​​easily and quickly. Sorting and searching values ​​is easier with arrays.


TCCI computer classes provide the best training in Java programming through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience


For More Information:

Call us @ +91 9825618292

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Computer Science Institute South Bopal Ahmedabad

Join our coding academy and start a learning journey that will equip you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the digital age.

We, TCCI Computer Education, are a leading educational institute in Ahmedabad, Gujarat offering a wide range of computer courses to everyone.
TCCI conducts online and offline courses in all programming languages. Through our experienced instructors, you will receive the best knowledge in your field.

TCCI computer classes provide the best training in computer programming through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience

 For More Information:

Call us @ +91 9825618292

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Monday, September 25, 2023

HTML For Web Designing

Well-designed and mobile-friendly website allows customers to easily find her store. Web design is directly related to the visual aspects of a website for effective communication between websites and web pages.

In present digital age people are aware and use to with websites, which is very useful for any person/organization/business/enterprise. Because an attractive website can pull more customers.


Mostly webpages of this website are developed in HTML.


HTML- Hypertext mark-up language is standard mark-up language which is very useful in creating webpage and web application.


HTML describes the structure of Web pages using mark-up. HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages. HTML elements are represented by tags.


HTML language contains following topics at TCCI:


Overview of HTML, HTML Basic Tags, HTML Elements, HTML Attributes, HTML Formatting, HTML Meta Tags, HTML Comments, HTML Images, HTML Position, HTML Tables, HTML Lists, HTML Links, HTML Blocks, HTML Background, HTML Colours, HTML Fonts, HTML Style sheet, HTML Marquee


Web pages are developed in HTML language that is very useful for creating web pages and web applications.HTML uses markup to describe the structure of a web page.


HTML is an important way to control the appearance of your web pages. However, learning HTML for Web Designing is very easy and any one can learn it.


TCCI computer classes provide the best training in web designing programming through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience


For More Information:

Call us @ +91 9825618292

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Computer Coaching Center at South Bopal Ahmedabad

Here TCCI Computer Education in Ahmedabad provides computer courses related-training to students. We specialize in the areas of engineering(Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Computer etc.)  Programming languages, hardware, and networking and are known for training students and professionals.

We had faculty members with great knowledge and experience. Our faculty are highly qualified, offering degrees such as MCA, BE (IT) and MSc.IT. We provide computer training from basic to advanced courses.


We constantly maintain and improve the quality of education. If you want to succeed as an IT professional, you need in-depth knowledge.


TCCI computer classes provide the best training in computer programming through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience


For More Information:

Call us @ +91 9825618292

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Friday, September 22, 2023

SQL Course for Computer Engineering

SQL (Structured Query Language) is everywhere, and in today’s digitalized world with massive amounts of data being gathered every day and stored into a database, knowing how to program with SQL is imperative. Whether you’re a marketer or an aspiring developer, SQL is a great language to learn.

SQL contains following topics at TCCI:

Basics of SQL, More advanced SQL queries, Relational Queries, Modifying Database

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience

TCCI computer classes provide the best training in SQL programming through different learning methods/media located in Bopal Ahmedabad and ISCON Ambli Road in Ahmedabad.

Course Duration: Daily/2 Days/3 Days/4 Days

Class Mode: Theory With Practical

Learn Training: At student’s Convenience

For More Information:

Call us @ +91 9825618292

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